At a time like this when the marriage between media and technology has shrunk distance into a global market, the modern prophet must begin to find, for this technological age, some relevance in the message of Jesus Christ as contained in John 17:21-22 relates to the internet world.
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also MAY BE ONE in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they MAY BE ONE, even as WE ARE ONE” (John 17:21-22)
First logo of SGS created in 2013
For lack of right perception however, we have been witnessing the unintended evil consequences of unbridled technology which is devoid of the acknowledgment of the universal Lordship of Jesus Christ amid stories of fake news, hate speech, and cybercrime of different dimensions.
The modern prophet begins to see through technology that God is bringing about a cosmic consciousness in the minds of all men throughout the whole world. Distances are shrinking through rapid transportation and instant satellite communications. Above all, psychologically men are no longer living in their little town or city but are beginning to think as citizens of one gigantic GLOBAL VILLAGE.”
The fact has long been proven right that discipleship is best identified and cultivated at the point of a person’s discipline or vocation or job. It is not always ascertained in the church or any religious houses where personality often wears the proverbial mask to hide his true colour or character. When the Lord wanted to recruit any diligent man for His kingdom service, He met him at the point of his job. Moses; a Shepherd, Elisha; a big-time farmer; Peter; a fisherman and Matthew; a tax collector among others who received discipleship in their different places of work. The story of the architectural bedrock upon which the hand of God designed and built the Spiritual Growth Scheme SGS as the structure for His glory is as divine as it is illuminating.
SGS has been effectively and efficiently built on the solid rock of the revelation of Christ Jesus in the global communication of the gospel in the biblical mandate of GO YE AND WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD is not in isolation of God’s divine choice of an architect O’Tomisin Ajileye as the Convener of the scheme.
SGS was conceived as a man journeyed with God during which the Holy Spirit fastened upon his heart the burden to see other believers grow up spiritually. The burden of his heart has always been channelled towards developing the spiritual life of fellow believers. As a student, he was known to always ask fellow believers if they had read up their New Testament. If the answer is No, he would then guide them on how to read it up within a few months, to much success.
The Convener O’Tomisin Ajileye in 2011
In 2012, the Convener being the President of his school fellowship – Gospel Students Fellowship was burdened with the need to develop the spiritual life of his fellowship members beyond the typical service period through systematic programs. As a 500-level Architecture student at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, O’Tomisin pursued this burden prayerfully and meditatively. During one of those prayers, the Lord led him to set up a committee member of seven:
- Tomisin Ajileye
- Afolami Ifeoluwa
- Ademola Isaac
- Kayode Sunday
- Asha Adedoyin
- Ologungbara Stephen
7.Alabi Omololaeni
It was in the first meeting of this committee in July of 2012, that the name “Spiritual Growth Scheme” was coined to describe the vision and mission of the call, that is: “to design schemes that will help believers to grow”. They believed that growth comes basically from the Word and prayer. People know this but still cannot bring themselves to engage in God’s Word and prayer. What if systems and environments can be designed that will help make this possible?”
Picture showing Gospel Students Fellowship FUTA Auditorium sometimes in January, 2012 where
the first meeting of SGS Committees held
A decision was then made to collect a list of fellowship members who would be interested in this Growth Scheme. Several people put down their names. Subsequently, the first teaching meeting days were fixed and attended by about 30 students. The first series of teaching held physically comprised three themes for each of the three days, namely: WHO AM I?; PROMISE OF THE FATHER and PAINLESS GROWTH.
In the coming months and years, SGS organised many other teaching meeting series. The teachings are subsequently summarised and transcribed on bulletins and shared on campus. SGS Leadership in FUTA also transcended from one coordinator to the other over the next five years:
- Bro Tomisin Ajileye (2012-2014)
- Bro. Afolami Ife (2014)
- Bro. Isaac Ademola (2015)
- Bro. Femi (Tecno) (2016)
- Bro. Ezekiel Salako (2017)
- Bro. Joseph Akinleye (2019)
Picture showing the last facebook post before the two years silence
However as the years went by, the only shining beacon of SGS in the world is its Facebook page where the Convener continued to transcribe and expound all past teachings and posted them on the page. Resultantly, many people joined online, attracting over 700 followers, all of whom were tremendously blessed from 2013 when the page was created till 2018 when it became obvious that the grace supply for that Facebook Written Teachings has been exhausted. The last beacon of light seemed snuffed out.
In October of the same year 2018 after a period of fasting and prayer, the word of the Lord came to the Convener to develop a Bible reading programme that would help people to read the New Testament within One month. Before this time, he had read the New Testament five times in 2016 during his service year, by reading up the New Testament once every other month. The message was clear and it was to help believers learn a similar discipline of reading the Bible even in the face of no time. He immediately discussed this with a brother (Ayokunle Onadiji) and they began working on the training material. Despite this, SGS herself lulled into complete silence as there were no activities under the SGS umbrella for two years; 2018 – 2020, and the NT Reading vision was completely forgotten. The last Facebook post was on the 6th of November, 2018 and the next one did not surface until the 17th of September, 2020. Ironically, it is believed that these silent periods became a moment of preparation as the voice of God returned again in the first quarter of the year 2020.
“But when the time had fully come, God sent his son born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law that we might receive the full right of sons.” (Galatians 4:4)
The logo of the new SGS designed by Aim Digitals
As truly observed by Ralph Mahoney, God has His own calendar and on this calendar are specific dates on which prophetic words are destined for fulfillment. It was during the dawn of 2020, specifically during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic that God’s calendar for SGS unfolded for a full-time fulfilment of the vision. The Word of the Lord returned again while the Convener himself was once again reading up the New Testament. This time, without delay, he sent out an invite expecting just about 20 but the first set of readers numbering 53 came together in July with the Convener as the team leader to read up the New Testament in a month. 38 participants gallantly completed this seemingly herculean task. Hence the beginning of the journey. In the following edition, these 38 participants sent out invites, sharing their testimonies, and 216 believers applied among which 157 finished and the number began to increase geometrically each edition until SGS began to reach over 50,000 participants in a single edition.
Picture showing the statistics of SGS NT after the first seven editions in 2021
Some of those who started the work with the Convener, which comprised of those who knew SGS from its school days eventually began to drop out one after the other as the demands of SGS leadership increased; but Ayomide Abegunde who was the convener’s friend and colleague stuck his head out and began to provide help wherever it was required. This was long before the planning team was established. He helped with training leaders and other leadership duties assigned to him by the Convener.
In October of the same 2020, online teachings began on Mixlr and Telegram. God used Mr. Olorunsami Hezekiah to provide all the technical advice and support required. Mr. Olaoluwa Olalere was also used by God to give himself to designing the e-fliers every week without charge. Hence, the first series of SGS teachings began with the topic “The Eternal Purpose of God (TEPOG)” with 20 teachings focused on fundamental principles of God’s Word. The teaching was taken by the Convener Himself and by his brother – Paul O. Ajileye who provided a powerful dimension to the teaching of God’s Word. The Teaching platform’s audience has grown from almost zero to thousands.
SGS later had a structured Old Testament Reading program which began under the leadership of Mr. Adefioye Benjamin in the wake of 2021. This was based on the continuous request by NT finishers and two other unstructured attempts. Adeben, as fondly called by all, requested for the right-hand permission to see to it that the Old Testament Reading program becomes as formidable as her New Testament counterpart. Through God’s help, the OT Reading in four months became a strong arm, a tremendous addition, and a blessing to the body of SGS.
The Word of the Lord came again in August of 2021 and led the Convener to begin a prayer version of the NT reading. How can people be strengthened in personal and individual prayer just as they are set on fire by the Word? After conferring with his wife, Chika Ajileye, and his right-hand man Abegunde Ayomide and submitting this to fervent prayers, the SGS Prayer drill was born. The first edition had about 30 participants and it continued to grow from there likewise.
Since the hand of God has been driving the scheme, every edition and every platform has been witnessing testimonies by participants who experience revivals, encounters, impartations, healings, breakthroughs, and miracles of different dimensions.
It should be noted here however that for reasons unknown, nearly everyone who enrolled in the first edition of NT reading took ill, so much so that two to three people quit based on illness. The spirit of sickness was immediately rebuked as the handiwork of the devil that it was and the siege was broken over subsequent editions.
The Convener, O’Tomisin in December of 2012, shortly after SGS began
In January 2021, three editions after the NT reading started, there was a tremendous open door of miracles, signs, wonders, healings, breakthroughs, and visions. Miracles were never part of the reason for the program but as men continued to seek God wholeheartedly under the umbrella of SGS, God’s power was released upon participants like never before and it continued every edition to date. As other SGS platforms arose, the same Power of God at work in NT reading characterised them also and testimonies of God’s mighty working power are shared editions in and out.
One year passed, and SGS continued under the leadership of the convener and his wife, coupled with the assistance of Mr. Abegunde Ayomide who helped with other coordination and training of new leaders. A previous failed attempt had been made very early in SGS Reborn that consisted of people who knew SGS from its school days. Now, the house is getting larger, leaders are on the increase, SGS has multiplied significantly and SGS NT was expecting 2000 participants in the coming edition. It then became obvious that a good structure needed to be built.
After prayers, consultation, and counsel, on the 17th of August, 2021 a six-man committee was raised to become the Planning Team of SGS. What was borne by three was now officially borne by six: O’Tomisin Ajileye, the Convener; his wife Chika Ajileye, the Co-Convener; Abegunde Ayomide, who has been the right-hand man and heading the training department; Adefioye Benjamin who has been manning the Old Testament platform, started and leading the prayer team before then; Alabi Oseka who brought in a firmer and more structural dimension to SGS, and finally Taiwo O’Fresh who God used to bring in the colourful and family dimension to SGS. They would later become the Board of Trustees of SGS Ministry.
Aside from their commitment to decision-making and giving SGS the structure it has today, they also became the highest leaders in SGS for every stage of growth and reporting only to the Convener. They began to meet day and night to ensure that SGS and her leaders are prepared for the harvest God is sending her way. Less than two years down the line, their efforts and sacrifices had paid off. SGS has a structure that could effectively take on tens of thousands of participants across almost 100 nations of the world in one seating. All participants are individuals and none is lost in the crowd. Today, SGS has begun to reach francophone countries through a French Version of the NT Reading.
The name Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry was coined in October of 2022 when the registration of the Ministry with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria became important. The Ministry, still popularly known as Spiritual Growth Scheme (SGS) , began the gentle integration of its new name. It will now be shortly called SGS Ministry.
Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry
From close studies of the operations of SGS, particularly its method of disciplining, even its peculiar nature of leadership training, it is plain that it has not been loud in the mere proclamation of ministerial office through high-sounding and flattering titles for its convener and leaders generally. Just as God is seen in Jesus Christ (the true image of the Lord) the SGS leaders and platforms are truly reflecting the vision and discipline of the convener and the leadership style of the organisation. SGS does not delight in or infuse in its products the craze for certificate mentality and has always positioned its participants to follow the shining examples of the first Christians in Antioch.
SGS has thrived on the use of social media to promote its programmes, showing concretely in its reportage that it has zero tolerance for a gutter social media campaign and hate language and hate literature. For instance, at a time like this when youths are increasingly becoming vulnerable to the whims and caprices of the devil, even amid distressing reports of toddlers shooting their parents and younger ones, a seven-year-old boy, Johnpeace Agoi completed reading twenty-seven books of the New Testament Bible within three weeks, right under the SGS discipleship. He also stepped up the feat by reading the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament bringing the number of books that he had read within three months to 66 in record time. This unique feat had been made possible through the Spiritual Growth Scheme S.G.S., being a household name in turning the WhatsApp platform and other social networks into a strong ministry based on the grooming of believers in Bible reading programmes throughout the yearly calendar.
In its major programmes which are geared towards arousing the interests of believers in prayers and in creating time for the Word of God, The SGS has implemented different editions of daily Bible reading online and succeeded in cultivating Bible reading habits in about 70% (Seventy percent) of those who begin the scheme in the past years.
With a clear vision of SGS as a scheme fashioned after fulfilling God’s purpose for people, the success of the organisation transcends self as it is “our own little heavens designed to serve many generations.” If there is one thing the Convener is ruling out strongly in the scheme, it is the idea that probably SGS may one day graduate into becoming a church. “Church? NEVER! The vision is clear, starting a church will limit us. Today, we have access to and are welcomed by members and pastors of all churches all over the world. Starting a denomination will restrict our access and will further distract us from our goal. We are sent to all the churches. Starting our own will obstruct that apostolic mandate.”
Of course, beside every successful man is a hard-working woman, and this is where the Convener’s helpmate, Mrs. Chika Ajileye comes in. The testimony of the Convener speaks volumes: “She is the very quiet type and a silent labourer. Many of the things I am able to do are because she makes the time available for me. She prefers not to be seen most of the time but she is doing her work heartily as unto the Lord. She is a wonderful wife and mother. There are a lot of duties she also helps me with within the ministry. I am grateful to God and to her for that. When we met, she already knew that I was sold out to God. Today, it is SGS, we could have been in a jungle doing the work of a missionary. She signed off to go wherever God sends us as a family. So, embracing this for her is a piece of cake compared with what she signed up for.”
According to the words of the Convener, “We are only spectators of what God is doing in SGS like everyone else. No man can take His glory. We are only privileged to be partakers of what His Mighty hands are bringing to pass” This he says to give glory to God who according to him is the will, the power, the source, the wisdom and favour upon which SGS thrives.