Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry
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Touching lives, one Christian at a time
Our Platforms
The New Testament (NT) Reading
The “New Testament in one Month” program is designed to help Believers read the entire New Testament of the Bible in 29 Days. Participants will be trained on the tools required for the journey and settled into small team groups where they can be monitored and encouraged by other believers.
The program is structured to help readers develop the discipline of creating time for God and His Word in spite of the hussles and buzzles of life.
In addition, the program provides tools and resources to help you stay on track, such as progress tracking, team leaders, reminders and Evictions. You could also connect with a community of other readers to share insights and support one another throughout the program.
By the end of the 29 days program, you would have read the entire New Testament of the Bible and better positioned to gain deeper understanding of its teachings and message
The Old Testament (OT) Reading
The “Old Testament in Four months” program is an outgrowth from the New Testament Reading program, designed to help believers who have participated in the NT program to be able to also read the entire Old Testament of the Bible In 130 days.
Please note that successful participation of our New Testament Bible reading is a prerequisite before enrolling for our OT Bible Reading Program. Participants will equally receive daily guidance throughout the program and would have the opportunity to engage with a community of other believers who are also reading through the Old Testament. This provides a space for sharing insights and support, as well as a sense of accountability to help participants stay on track with their reading.
By the end of the 130 days program, participants would have had first hand knowledge of the entire Bible and would have strengthened their spiritual connection to the Spirit of the Word, which would in turn deepen their faith and growth in their spiritual journey.
Our online teaching of the Word is a weekly program that takes place every Wednesdays and Fridays from 6PM to 7 PM Nigerian Time. This program is designed to provide an opportunity for individuals to deepen their understanding of the Bible and grow in their faith.
The teaching sessions are led by Bible teachers who have a deep understanding of the scriptures and a passion for sharing their knowledge with others. The teachings cover a wide range of topics, including biblical history, theology, and practical Christian living.
Participants are encouraged to engage with the teachings and ask questions, as the program is designed to be interactive and engaging. The online format allows individuals from all over the world to participate, making it a truly global community of believers.
Whether you’re new to the Bible or a seasoned believer, our online Bible teaching is a great way to connect with others and deepen your understanding of the scriptures.
To get a reminder of our meetings, ask questions and access past messages in compressed audio files, join the group on Telegram with this link below, you could join us on Youtube and Telegran with the links below as well
Many know they are not praying enough but are unable to create that time to pray. For those in this category, SGS Prayer Drill Program is for you.
Just as you are strengthened by the Word, we want to help believers to also get strength and capacity through individual prayers. Hence, participants will be praying on their own for 24 hours spread over a period of 21 days.
Participants will equally be trained and equipped with the wisdom required to pray long. We believe that praying long will not be rocket science if you are equipped with the right information and helped by fellow believers.
This is not a group prayer, it is rather a prayer between you and your God for a minimum of 1hr daily. Structures such as progress tracking, team groups, team leaders, reminders and Evictions are put in place to help you achieve your desire to pray and ultimately build the discipline of daily prayer in you.